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Hearing Aids

Hearing Aids

Fitted with friendly professionalism and care with the newest technology

Hearing Aids

Hearing aids and assistive listening devices are fitted with friendly professionalism and care here at Norwest Hearing. Our Audiologists are kept up-to-date with the newest hearing aid technology and the latest design features. With the capabilities of nano-technology, hearing aids are now more cosmetically appealing and you will find a device suitable for all your hearing needs.

Ask about our clinical package for all new hearing aid wearers. Our clinical support is second to none! Pay no more for clinical support from our Audiologists throughout the warranty of your hearing aid.

Norwest Hearing offers a variety of devices designed to fit every level of hearing loss and accommodate every lifestyle and budget. Norwest Hearing proudly features devices and hearing aids manufactured by: Bernafon, Oticon, Senheisser, Cochlear (Baha), ReSound, Unitron and Phonak.

Make an appointment

If you wish to make an appointment or discuss your hearing needs call us today on  or fill out your details below and one of our staff members will contact you